DPD info notice April 10th

NPO Katherine RobinsonDallas Police CITY
Northeast Community,

Now that the weather is warm and many more residents are out and about doing yardwork and enjoying the weather, it is important to keep an eye on your property! The Northeast Division is seeing a rise in shed and garage burglaries. For example, if you are in your front yard and you have a garage facing the alley – close the door. If you cannot maintain visual contact with your garage/property, it needs to be secured. Leaving a garage door open or shed open while unattended is an opportunity for a criminal driving or walking by to quickly make off with your property. Additionally it is important to make note of serial numbers on your power tools and lawn equipment in your garages and sheds to increase the likelihood of your property being located and returned to you if it’s stolen.

Remember to report all suspicious and criminal activity to 911 immediately! Also get involved in your neighborhood crime watch and VIP (Volunteers In Patrol) group, become a part of the solution and not the problem.