Author Archive: John White

Lake Ridge Estates Crime Statistics: Mar 31st to April 22nd

Beat 248 Reporting Area 1088 Lake Ridge Estates Crime Statistics: March 31st to April 22nd We had 2 criminal offenses reported in our area this period. 4/12, Mischief/Vandalism, 10025 Shoreview Rd, Unknown Suspect backed their vehicle into comps vehicle causing damage. 4/19, Mischief/Vandalism, 8783 Ferndale Rd, Suspect used unknown object to smash back door window. I’ve been trying the RAIDS service to get the…
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Offender Watch April 12th

This is the current offender watch for Lake Ridge Estates (within a onte mile radius). We currently have eight offenders listed but one listing has an address that is not in our area so I have again submitted a request to have their entry corrected. So, we have seven confirmed offenders for the area. You can visit  to create you…
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DPD info notice April 10th

NPO Katherine Robinson, Dallas Police CITY Northeast Community, Now that the weather is warm and many more residents are out and about doing yardwork and enjoying the weather, it is important to keep an eye on your property! The Northeast Division is seeing a rise in shed and garage burglaries. For example, if you are in your front yard and you have…
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DPD info notice March 5th

  Beat 248 Reporting Area 1088DPD info notice March 5th The Dallas Police Department’s Auto Theft Unit is seeing arise in the number of vehicles being stolen while left running to “warm up”. We can all appreciate the comforts of getting into a warm vehicle when temperatures outside are seasonably uncomfortable, but you increase the likely hood that your vehicle…
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